Quito’s Gazebo is Reborn with a Beautiful New Restaurant in Cane Garden Bay!

February 6th, 2020

Quito's Gazebo Restaurant Cane Garden Bay Tortola

One of the hardest hit areas in the BVI, it looks like Cane Garden Bay is truly back to its pre-Irma glory as the BVI’s hot spot. Located in the heart of CGB is the iconic Quito’s Gazebo Restaurant & Bar.

Quito’s Gazebo offers daily performances of roots, rock and reggae by local bands and by owner and world-renown musician Quito Rymer. According to Quito, his restaurant “is your place in the sun with something for everyone – sun, sand, good food and great music.”

Quito’s Gazebo sends One Love to All.

Quitos Gazebo Restaurant: +1 284-495-4837 | quitosltd@gmail.com

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